Five ambitious projects not only on paper, but also in real life.

Science fiction writers have surprised their readers with a moving sidewalk and a house that can move from place to place. A lot of predictions came true, projects that were expected to be seen in the future became a reality in the XX and XXI centuries. However, this does not stop the dreamers. People continue to come up with amazing things, offer new ideas for life and implement them. In today's selection, we will tell you about the cities of the future, which may very soon become part of our reality.
Photo: vincent.callebaut.orgParis could become a green city by 2050. This is not just a beautiful expression or a tribute to the fashion for environmental friendliness. On the shopping street of Rivoli, architects proposed to build mountain towers. The authors of the Paris Smart City 2050 project call them bioclimatic peaks that combine different renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic and thermal panels will be installed on the towers, which will generate electricity and hot water. Balconies will be planted with plants. They will become live air filters for apartment residents.
Abandoned railway lines in the city center want to turn into a long park (will take about 23 km) with bike paths. Along the park, the architects proposed to build towers that will filter smog and generate electricity. Also in green Paris, bamboo nest towers may appear, on which orchards with fruit trees will be located, and honeycomb towers. "Honeycombs" are proposed to be installed on existing houses in the center of Paris. The structures will be planted with plants and equipped with panels that will work as solar panels. In addition to towers with fruit trees, the authors of the project also offer farm buildings.
The smart green Paris project was presented in 2015. And, unfortunately, there is a chance that such a futuristic appearance of the French capital will remain only on paper. There has been no news about the search for investors or support from the authorities since the project was published.
Do not get upset about this. And here's why: at least four ambitious eco-cities are currently being built in the world. For example, in Denmark, such a settlement will be designed for 15,000 people. In Nye (as the city is called), residential areas will be separated from parking. Residents will still be able to use the car, but it will be forbidden to leave it near the house. Sharply opposed to cars were the creators of the Great City (Great City) in China. This is a settlement near the Chengdu metropolitan area. Its area is only 1.3 km2, so it will be convenient for its residents to walk and ride a bicycle. Construction of the Great City began in 2012.
In the UAE, the concept of a smart eco-city Masdar implies full autonomy. Houses in Masdar are equipped with solar panels that generate electricity. Another important feature of this settlement is the absence of waste. For example, waste water in Masdar will be used for watering plants, and the problem with exhaust emissions was solved by banning cars in the city. Several hundred people already live in Masdar. In general, it is designed for 50,000 residents.
Another eco-city — Neapolis — can be found in Cyprus. According to the authors ' idea, it should become convenient for tourists and local residents, and it plans to use renewable energy sources. Now a university campus, a wellness center and a hospital have already been built in Neapolis. The project is planned to be implemented in several stages.