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Armenia is the oldest country of winemaking. Wine is creativity and is eternal as an art. It is not for nothing that poets and artists have always praised wine.

Armenia is endowed with everything necessary for the successful cultivation of grapes: a hot climate and a soil of volcanic origin. This soil is rich in various minerals, and the bunches, warmed by the sun, have time to fill with sweet juice: all this gives the fruits a special aroma and taste. Armenian grape varieties are Voskeat, Lalvari, Arevik , Garan-dmak, Kangun, Areni, Kakhet ,Akhtanak,Mshali,Kharji . Of course, the soil composition differs in different regions of Armenia, which affects the characteristics of the wine produced. The largest wine — growing areas in our time are Aragatsotn, the Ararat Valley and Vayots Dzor

In the vicinity of the village of Areni (Vayots Dzor region), the world's first traces of wine production were discovered.

Since ancient times, the Armenian highlands have been considered the birthplace of winemaking, and the first wine in the world was made in Armenia more than 4 thousand years ago.

Several revivals of Armenian winemaking

Winemaking played an important role in ancient Armenia, in Urartu. This is also evidenced by Assyrian sources. During their campaigns, the Assyrian kings always included in their list the varieties of wines and the number of destroyed vineyards. The most popular prisoners for them were the winemakers.

According to the cuneiform inscriptions of the Urartian kings, wine was prepared in honor of the god Haldi, and planting grapes was equivalent to a feat. Famous historians such as Herodotus, Strabo and Xenophon also wrote about Armenian winemaking.

In the writings of Herodotus, we read that the Armenians exported wine from Armenia to Babylon. And the culture of winemaking from the Armenian Highlands spread to such countries as Georgia, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome.

Winemaking was also developed in Assyria, but what is important: it was Armenian wine that was supplied to Babylon. This means that it was much superior to the Assyrian in quality.

The revival of wine in Armenia has always depended on the existence of statehood. Winemaking experienced another revival during the reign of the Bagratuni dynasty, when Armenia was an independent state.

It was during this period that caravanserais, wineries, etc. appeared. The latest revival and development of winemaking in Armenia falls on the modern reality. Choosing a tour from ToursEnergy, you are guaranteed to get a trip to the amazing, delicious and fragrant world of Armenian wine.



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